New Month, New Challenges. October is the month of NO JUNK FOOD

Happy new month everyone! As we get closer to the end of the year, we at Fearless would like to bring you a new challenge for the month of October. We now introduce NO JUNKTOBER! meaning No Junk October! During #NoJunktober  there are a few rules you need to adhere to as you join this 31 day challenge:
1) NO biscuits or cookies
2) NO sodas
3) NO ice cream
4) NO pastries (cake, queen cakes, croissants, etc)
5) NO white bread
6) NO fast food (yes, no to chips,sausages, pizza and the like)
7) NO doughnuts
8) NO chocolate (sorry ladies, I KNOW I FEEL YOUR PAIN!)
9) NO sweets/candy
Yes, this will be hard. It will be treacherous but it will be SO worth it! So who is with me!!! All in say I! 🙂
I will be posting more about this challenge to keep us encouraged in this journey! Let the games begin!

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